Govt State TB Control Society Recruitment 2019

In supercession of earlier advertisement issued by this office vide Advt. No STO/J/Adm/997-98 Dt:- 15/1/18 and STO/J/Adm/1031-31 Dt:25/1/18

Applications are invited from eligible candidates who are Permanent residents of Jammu Province for the below mentioned posts ,on Contractual basis for a period up to 31st March 2020, in the State Tuberculosis Control Society , Directorate of Health Services Jammu under Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme.

Terms & Conditions / Eligibility Criteria.

1.The Contractual engagement is purely temporary and does not carry any right for any Govt. job or regularization of services.

2. The eligible candidates should submit their application form as per enclosed performa along with supporting documents and two passport sized colour photographs( one affixed on form and one extra) .

3. The supporting documents(mentioned at the end of performa ) should be self attested and are to be submitted in the office of State Tuberculosis Officer, State TB Cell, Directorate of Health Services Jammu from 11.00 am to 4.00 pm within 2 weeks (14 days) from the date of publication of this advertisement notice in the leading newspapers. Candidate has to bring original certificates for verification at the time of submission of forms.

4 . The age of the candidate should be 18-40 years and 60-64years ( in case of retired candidates) at the time of applying, No in service Govt. employee is el igible to apply for this contractual . Preference will be given to Regular candidate over retired candidate with same qualification.

5. The application form found incomplete in any manner will be summarily rejected at the time of submission.

6. The selected candidate will have to execute a contract with Member Secretary of the State TB Control Society before joining, as per prescribed "Performa"attested by notary.

7. The contractual engagement can be terminated on either side with one months notice or one months salary in lieu of notice.

8. This is full time job during assigned office hours, which includes touring in Jammu province wherever applicable as per directions of STO Jammu.

9. No other Job is allowed simultaneously and in such case contract shall be terminated.

10. The hiring arrangement is upto 31st March 2020 which shall be furtheir renewable for one year subject to continuation of the scheme and review of work and conduct of the candidate by the competent authority.

11. A mobile contact number working for incoming calls atleast during working duty hours should be available with the candidates.

12. The candidate should reside at the duty head quarter.

13. The candidate should be computer literate.

14. The candidate should have PAN and Adhaar card.

15. As per Terms of Reference guidelines of Central TB Division, Govt of India regarding Recruitment, interviews will be held ,No individual call letters will be sent to the candidates. The date of the i nterview will be communicated through local newspaper atleast one week in advance. All original certificates/testimonials are to be produced in interview also.

16. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for attending the interview.

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