Opening Date of Receipt of Application Forms: 13 June 2019
Closing date of Receipt of Application Forms: 22 June 2019
Applications on appended format are invited from eligible candidates who are permanent residents of J&K belonging to District Rajouri and fulfill the eligibility norms of educational qualification, communication skill. Experience. Computer proficiency, age etc as mentioned below against each post, on purely temporary/ contractual posts initially for a period of one year, on consolidated salary, subject to satisfactory performance and extendable by six months subject to continuation of sc heme and funding from Government of India and the state.
The posts are advertised for establishment of "District Level Centre for Women" under Mahila Shakti Kendra (MSK) Scheme of Ministry of Women & Child Development, Government of India.
Terms and conditions:-
1. Application must be the permanent resident of Jammu and Kashmir belonging to District Rajouri.
2. Candidates applying for different posts, need to apply separately.
3. Women from District Rajouri, meeting other requirement are encouraged to apply and shall be preferred.
4. Applicant should be medically fit for field visits in different blocks/villages of District Rajouri.
5. Being a temporary contract arrangement, terminable from either side by one month with advance notice.
6. There shall be no right to seek permanent absorption in any Department or regularization of any sort (Agreement for the same sworn before Judicial Magistrate 1st Class needed to be exe cuted upon selection before joining).
7. Candidates must possess the minimum required qualification at the time of submitting the form.
8. Any claim regarding qualification made after the closing date of receiving application forms shall not be entertained. The last date of receipt of application shall be the cutoff date for determining the eligibility
9. Candidate must have good moral character.
Forms complete in all respect along with self attested copies of qualification/experience shall be submitted in the office of Addl. Deputy Commissioner, Rajouri (DC Office Complex, Rajouri).
Documents to be attached with the application form
1. Self attested copies of all academic / Technical qualification
2. Date of Birth Certificate.
3. Permanent Resident Certificate(PRC)
4. Experience Certificate from Civil Society Organization/ institution in the relevant field.
5. Certificate of one year diploma in computer applications
6. Character Certificate from any Gazetted officer.
7. Any additional relevant Certificate.
List of shortlisted candidates shall be intimated through print and electronic media and candidates may be called to bring original testimonials for verification and checking before interview committee.
Any misrepresentation in the application form disturbing short listing may invite legal action
No individual interview call letters shall be issued. No TA/DA shall be
Click here for Application Form
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