In continuation to Notice No. SIMS 302 02 (JA)/2019-1138-43, dated March, 12, 2019, it is notified for the information of shortlisted candidates who have qualified the Computer Based Typing test held at NIELIT Rengreth for the post of the Jr. Assistant pursuant to advertisement notice No. 04 of 2017, dated June 17,2017 that their written test is scheduled to be held on 10.04.2019 at 02:00 PM at University of Kashmir, Hazratbal, Srinagar. The list of candidates who have qualified the Computer Based Typing Test with “Minimum 35 words of speed per minute and 90% Accuracy” have already been notified vide afores aid notification read with addendum notice under NO. SIMS 302 02 (JA)/2019/1354-59, dated 26.03.2019.
01. The candidates are advised to download the admit cards from following official pages of SKIMS by filling in:-
(a). Application Number
(b). Date of Birth w.e.f. 05.04.2019 from 05:00 PM onwards :-
III. http:/ /
2. In case of any discrepancy or any technical difficulty or non-availability of Internet services, the candidates are advised to visit office of Administrative Officer (Policy) Room No. 2120 and LAN Office by or before 08.04.2019. No claim whatsoever shall be entertained after 08.04.2019.
3. The candidates shall bring a valid proof of identity with them on the date of written test; else they will not be allowed to sit in the said test.
4. The question papers will be of objective type of 100 questions of multiple choice answers with one right answer and each question shall carry (01) mark for correct response and there will be no negative marking. As notified earlier, there will be 30 points for the written test on Pro- Rat a Basis.
5. Any candidate found guilty of impersonating or submitting fabricated/ tempered documents/testimonials for making false, incorrect or suppressing material information shall be liable to cancellation of his/her candidature at any stage of selection process.
6. Only those candidates shall appear in the written test, who fulfill the eligibility prescribed for the post as mentioned in the notification. However, permission to appear in the written test is purely provisional subject to further verification of the documents at any stage of selection.
7. The syllabus of the aforesaid written test has already been notified vide our notice No. SIMS 302 02(JA)/2019-1014-19, dated March, 05, 2019.
8. The Centre notice shall be issued separately.
9. The candidates are further advised to remain in touch with SKIMS official website ( for further updates, if any.
10. The reporting time to attend the examination hall shall be 1:00 PM positively.
11. No. TA/DA shall be given for participation in the written test.
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